Am I a Zionist?

Since I have come out in support of Israel in the current conflict, I have been called a "Zionist" by many people online. But what does this word really mean? Is it the belief that Jews have a supernatural divine "right" to Israel because their god told them so? Is...

How to Make Work Something You Love

For many people, “work” is a word with unpleasant associations. Children associate it with the burden of school work, which they have to do, like it or not. Many adults associate it with a nine-to-five job, an onerous chore that they believe they must endure in...

Creative Projects

The Value of Creative Solo Projects

Producing a solo work of art that beautifies your home can leave you with a wonderful daily reminder of your abilities. I learned this after arranging photos I’d taken over my couch to create an esthetically pleasing corner of my humble abode.  A few years...

Swan Lake and the Triumph of the Good

“A gracefully effortless floating, flowing and flying are the essentials of the ballet’s image of man. It projects a fragile kind of strength and a certain inflexible precision.” ― Ayn Rand, The Romantic Manifesto Swan Lake has captivated audiences for more than a...

Hellen Keller reading brail

Helen Keller’s Five Keys to Being Happy

Once I knew only darkness and stillness. Now I know hope and joy. —Helen Keller. In 1882, when Helen Keller was nineteen months old, an illness left her blind, deaf, and consequently dumb. For the next five years, she lived essentially as a wild animal in the...