Craig Biddle

Craig is cofounder and director of education at Objective Standard Institute, cofounder and editor in chief of The Objective Standard, and executive director of Prometheus Foundation. He is the author of Loving Life: The Morality of Self-Interest and the Facts that Support It; Rational Egoism: The Morality for Human Flourishing; and the forthcoming Moral Truths Your Parents, Preachers, and Teachers Don’t Want You to Know. He is currently working on his fourth book, “Thinking in Principles.” For updates on his work, join his mailing list at
On Solid Ground Logo

Understanding Rights

Here’s an episode of Under Standing about the source and nature of rights. Enjoy!

The Power and Community of LevelUp

What’s so special about these events? They’re about taking your life and happiness seriously. And the attendees are people who take these values seriously.

Kiyah Willis on YouTube: A Voice of Reason for Gen Z

Join Kiyah as she explores issues of the day applying the principles of reason, individualism, and capitalism—and debunks false alternatives such as wokeism vs. religion, feelings vs. faith, and socialism vs. conservatism.

Is There a God-Shaped Hole—or a Self-Shaped Hole?

Join Craig Biddle at LevelUp 2024 to hear him talk about the “God-shaped hole”—the idea that if you don’t believe in God and accept him into your life, you’ll be deprived of spiritual values such as meaning and purpose—and it's alternative idea: the self-shaped hole.

Level Up in Life Like Never Before

LevelUp 2024 will have 600 attendees mostly between the ages of 18 and 30. To miss this conference is to miss the opportunity of a lifetime.

Level Up in Life Like Never Before

If you’ve attended TOS-Con in the past, you know the soul-fueling power of our conferences. But LevelUp 2023 will break the mold.