April Ascent Savings End April 30








April Ascent Savings End April 30








Excel in life. Fight for liberty. If these are your goals, this conference is for you.

At LevelUp, you’ll engage with world-class speakers, discover powerful life-serving ideas, meet hundreds of awesome people, and level up in life like never before.

Join us in Atlanta for the most life-enhancing conference of the year!

April Ascent Savings End April 30








LevelUp is for people who want to thrive in life and defend freedom on solid ground.

You’ll engage with world-class speakers, discover powerful life-serving ideas, meet hundreds of thoughtful people, and level up in life like never before.

Join us in Atlanta for the most life-enhancing conference of the year!


If you’re 18 to 29, you can apply for a scholarship worth up to $1,490—and that’s merely the cash value.

The experiential value of attending LevelUp can hardly be quantified (see what attendees say below).


If you’re 18 to 29, you can apply for a scholarship worth up to $1,490—and that’s merely the cash value.

The experiential value of attending LevelUp can hardly be quantified (see what attendees say below).


Eric Daniels
Craig Biddle
Kiyah Willis
Hannah Frankman
Kiyah Willis
Eric Daniels
Eric Daniels
Angelica Walker-Werth
Jon Hersey
Eric Daniels
Timothy Sandefur
Angelica Walker-Werth
Eric Daniels
Eric Daniels
Angelica Walker-Werth
Jon Hersey

Speakers are subject to change.


Intentionality: The Source and Power of Purpose

Craig Biddle

Your goals—the aims for which you think, plan, and act—set the direction of your life. They determine whether your life will be filled with meaning and joy, or something less. But you face countless options. How can you choose goals that truly are best for you in the long run? In this talk, Craig Biddle will discuss key principles, methods, and tools for answering this vital question, living intentionally, and loving life.

Loving Your Life: A Framework for Flourishing

Craig Biddle

You want to excel in a career you love, to build and enjoy rewarding friendships and romance, to engage in recreational activities that fuel your soul. In a word, you want to flourish. To succeed, you need a conceptual framework that clarifies and unifies two related issues: (1) why pursuing your own happiness is morally the correct purpose of your life; and (2) how to organize your values and goals with respect to their relative importance, and integrate them into a life of purpose, meaning, and joy. Craig Biddle will discuss this framework and how you can use it to think clearly and live fully.

Feminism: Zero Sum?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

From women’s suffrage to the sexual revolution to shattered glass ceilings, Western women are freer and more prosperous than ever. Yet while Ukranian women are raped by Russian soldiers, and Iranian women are beaten, imprisoned, or killed for daring to remove the hijab, modern “feminists” shriek at the way men sit on public transport, condone men boxing with women, and “contextualize” jihadist rape of Israeli women. Ayaan Hirsi Ali will discuss how we got here and how to bring feminism back to its foundations in reason, personal autonomy, and individual rights.

Thriving Through Adversity and Trauma

David Hardy

You or someone you know will experience adversity or trauma that shakes you to the core. Perhaps you already have: the sudden death of a loved one, an accident that cripples or maims, the loss of a relationship or career, a betrayal by a long-time friend. Such events can cause deep emotional pain. In some cases, they can affect one’s desire to live. But they also can be catalysts for personal growth and transformation. Judge David Hardy will discuss his experiences with severe trauma, how he redirected it to transform his life and thrive, and how you can, too.

The Art of Breaking Rules

Hannah Frankman

You’ve been told all your life to follow rules. But is this good advice? All her life, Hannah Frankman has been breaking rules, and it has served her well. She thinks it’ll serve you well, too—if you master the art. Of course, this isn’t about violating rational moral principles. That’s always self-destructive. Rather, it’s about breaking socially constructed rules that make no sense, or that fail to account for relevant context, and thus hamper your life or hold you back. Come learn the art—and virtue—of breaking such rules. Your future self will be glad you did.

The Future of Liberalism: Religious or Secular?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, David Wolpe, Craig Biddle, and Timothy Sandefur

Classical liberalism is the idea that the individual is sovereign, that his own mind should guide his life, and that individual rights, freedom of speech, and economic freedom are essential to civilized society. But what undergirds these values? What must we understand and communicate in order to support and defend them? Are the underpinnings religious or secular? How can we know? Join Ayaan Hirsi Ali, David Wolpe, Craig Biddle, and Timothy Sandefur for a discussion of these and related questions. And bring your questions for the lengthy Q&A.

How to Develop Your Happiness Plan

Carl Barney

Why do some people achieve happiness while others fail? And why do some succeed spectacularly yet others only moderately? What are the keys to achieving and sustaining a life you love? Carl Barney will discuss a tool he’s developed for this very purpose. Based on his book-in-progress, “The Happiness Experiment,” Carl will present a framework for developing your personal happiness plan: an integrated set of strategies and action steps for making your life the best, happiest life it can be.

How and Why DEI Must Die

Craig Biddle, Wilfred Reilly, Eric Daniels, and Christopher Rufo

The ideology known as “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) has influenced American universities, culture, and politics for decades, shaping curriculums, the arts, and laws that restrict our lives. Advocates of liberty generally agree that something is deeply wrong with these ideas, but often differ on the nature of the problem and how to solve it. What exactly is DEI? What ideas does it encompass and imply? If those ideas are wrong, why—and which ideas should replace them? Join Craig Biddle, Wilfred Reilly, Eric Daniels, and Christopher Rufo for a discussion of these and related questions. Bring your questions for the lengthy Q&A.

Love as Trade: What’s in It for You—and Me?

Angel and Thomas Walker-Werth

“Romance requires sacrifice and unconditional love.” So you’ve been told. But don’t healthy romances involve gaining from each other’s qualities of character, personality, and gestures—and from wonderful experiences together, including sex? And why would lovers love each other “unconditionally”? Aren’t their respective qualities and shared values precisely the conditions that give rise to their love for each other? Angel and Thomas Walker-Werth have built their romance on the principle of trade: the idea that both are in this to benefit from and enjoy each other deeply. They’ll discuss this principle and how they leverage it to light up their lives together.

The Roots of War and the Path to Peace

Kiyah Willis

The wars underway in the Middle East and Eastern Europe have caused misery, death, and destruction that is hard to fathom. Likewise for wars throughout history. Why all this hell? What are the causes of war? And what ideas must people and governments understand and embrace in order to live in peace? Kiyah Willis will address these questions, focusing on what she sees as the central cause of war—collectivism—and its deeper corollary: mysticism. The way to end and avoid war, she will argue, is for people and governments to embrace individualism and reason.

Is Morality Objective or Subjective?

Craig Biddle and Alex O’Connor

Are human actions right or wrong based on facts and logic? Or are claims about right and wrong merely expressions of emotions or feelings? Craig Biddle and Alex O’Connor, both atheists, will discuss these and related questions. Craig will argue that objective morality exists and is derived from the factual requirements of human life and happiness. Alex will argue that there’s no such thing as objective morality and that moral claims are merely expressions of emotion. There will be a lengthy Q&A—so bring your questions and join the conversation!

Romanticism in Modern Music

Jon Hersey

Description coming soon…

The Song of the New World

Timothy Sandefur

It’s one of the most popular musical pieces in history: Antonin Dvorak’s New World Symphony. Written during a brief residency in the United States—just when capitalism was revolutionizing life in America and around the world—Dvorak’s symphony helped Americans fashion their own distinctive musical style. But it also expressed a remarkable new sense of life, rooted in freedom, prosperity, and peace. In this talk, Timothy Sandefur describes the fascinating history of Dvorak’s masterpiece, and explores why it became—for people worldwide—the song of a new world.

Optimizing Your Health for Happiness

Max Lugavere

Everything good in your life depends on your physical health: Clear thinking requires energy and focus; disease, physical problems, and suboptimal health sap these. Romance requires mental, emotional, and physical engagement—as do work, career, friendships, and recreation. Poor physical health saps these, too. And, of course, good health enables you to live longer so you can enjoy more of everything you love. Max Lugavere will discuss how to optimize your nutrition, exercise, and sleep so you can live the longest, healthiest, happiest life possible.

The History of Philosophy as a Tool for Flourishing

Ely Lassman

We all have a philosophy: a view of the world and human nature, and of how we know what’s true and what’s good. The philosophy we accept—whether consciously or by default—has a profound impact on our lives. And the history of this field sheds vital light on this fact. It’s a fascinating story brimming with characters, ideas, problems, and solutions—all of which can help you to think better and live better. Ely Lassman will survey some of this history and discuss how his life has improved by studying the history of philosophy, and how yours can too.

Filling The Self-Shaped Hole

Craig Biddle

You’ve heard of a “God-shaped hole”—the idea that if you don’t believe in God and accept him into your life you’ll be deprived of spiritual values such as meaning and purpose. Craig Biddle will discuss the self-shaped hole: the void resulting from denying the existence of the self (à la Sam Harris)—or failing to revere and develop yourself (as many people do)—or subordinating yourself to a group (via collectivism, tribalism, wokeism) or to an alleged God (as religion prescribes). Biddle will examine the secular nature of the self, focusing on its evidence-based elements and the corresponding values we must understand and embrace in order to be spiritually whole—and thus love our lives to the fullest.

The program is subject to change.


2:00–6:00 PM

Welcome and Check-In

6:30–9:00 PM

Opening Reception and Banquet

8:50–9:00 AM

Opening Remarks & Announcements

9:00–10:00 AM

Loving Your Life: A Framework for Flourishing (Biddle)

10:00–10:15 AM


10:15–11:15 AM

Feminism: Zero Sum? (Hirsi Ali)

11:15–1:00 PM

Lunch (on your own)

1:00–2:00 PM

Thriving Through Adversity and Trauma (Hardy)

2:00–2:15 PM


2:15–3:15 PM

The Art of Breaking Rules (Frankman)

3:15–3:45 PM


3:45–5:15 PM

The Future of Liberalism: Religious or Secular? (Panel 1)

5:15–8:00 PM

Free Time and Dinner (on your own)

8:00–10:45 PM

Karaoke & Game Room (board games, Twister, etc.)

8:50–9:00 AM

Opening Remarks & Announcements

9:00–10:00 AM

How to Develop Your Happiness Plan (Barney)

10:00–10:15 AM


10:15–11:45 AM

How and Why DEI Must Die (Panel 2)

11:45–1:30 PM

Lunch (on your own)

1:30–2:30 PM

Love as Trade: What’s in It for You—and Me? (Walker-Werth)

2:30–2:45 PM


2:45–3:45 PM

The Roots of War and the Path to Peace (Willis)

3:45–4:15 PM


4:15–5:45 PM

Is Morality Objective or Subjective? (Biddle and O’Connor)

5:45–8:00 PM

Dinner (on your own)

6:30–8:30 PM

Atlas Dinner (invitation only)

8:00–10:45 PM

Social Mixer

9:00–10:00 PM

Dance Lesson (Learn Salsa!)

8:50–9:00 AM

Opening Remarks & Announcements

9:00–10:00 AM

The Song of the New World (Sandefur)

10:00–10:15 AM


10:15–11:15 AM

Optimizing Your Health for Happiness (Lugavere)

11:15–1:00 PM

Lunch (on your own)

1:00–2:00 PM

Romanticism in Modern Music (Hersey)

2:00–2:15 PM


2:15–3:15 PM

The History of Philosophy as a Tool for Flourishing (Lassman)

3:15–3:45 PM


3:45–4:45 PM

The Self-Shaped Hole (Biddle)

4:45–6:30 PM

Free Time

6:30–11:00 PM

Closing Banquet and Dance

The schedule is subject to change.

What Attendees Say

“The price paid to attend this conference is the single best investment I have ever made in myself.” —Steven

“This conference changed how I think about the world. It will go down as one of my life-changing experiences.” —Lauren

“After this conference, I will not waste a single moment of my life.” —Raja

“The conference was incredible: the variety of content, the speakers, the night time activities. Bellisimo!” —Albulena

“This conference taught me how to love life.” —Juan

“This conference was a rejuvenating and intellectually stimulating experience unlike anything I’ve ever encountered.” —Leisa

“My only disappointment was that it ended.” —Ed

“This conference inspired me to reflect on how I live my life and how I want to live it.” —Kenna

“It was only a three-day event and I’ve made friends for life.” —John

“I flew for 23 hours to attend this conference. It was well worth it” —Rida

“Last year’s event was one of the best experiences of my life. This year was even better.” —Everaldo

“I have no words to describe how amazing the conference was! I’ve returned to Brazil bright-eyed to live the best life I can.” —Julia

“That was the most badass conference of the year.” —Sebastian

“Before this conference, I was depressed and lost. Now, I”m motivated to change my life.” —Olivia

“I just lived one of the best days of my life.” —Matheus

“This was the most amazing and unforgettable experience of my life.” —Sameer

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Save 40% With April Ascent Pricing (Ends April 30)






