Our Team

Sarah Biddle
Sarah is cofounder and president of Objective Standard Institute and general manager of The Objective Standard. In an earlier career, she taught literature, language arts, history, and math at VanDamme Academy and LePort Schools in Southern California. She holds a BA in history from Mary Baldwin College. In addition to her work at OSI and TOS, Sarah reads voraciously, gardens with a (mostly) green thumb, and loves ballroom, salsa, and country western dancing.

Craig Biddle
Executive Director
Craig is cofounder and executive director of Objective Standard Institute, cofounder and editor in chief of The Objective Standard, and executive director of Prometheus Foundation. His books include Loving Life: The Morality of Self-Interest and the Facts that Support It; Rational Egoism: The Morality for Human Flourishing; and the forthcoming Forbidden Facts: Moral Truths Your Parents, Preachers, and Teachers Don’t Want You to Know. His book-in-progress is on thinking in principles. Learn more and join his mailing list at CraigBiddle.com.

Jon Hersey
Fellow, Instructor
Jon Hersey (@revivingreason) is managing editor of The Objective Standard and holds fellowships at Foundation for Economic Education, where he writes in defense of freedom, and at Objective Standard Institute, where he teaches “How to Write Powerfully in Defense of Liberty.” He hosts the podcast “Philosophy for Flourishing.” He’s on a mission to identify and apply the principles of human flourishing. Get his ebook on writing in defense of liberty here, and join his mailing list at JonHersey.com.

Angelica Walker-Werth
Fellow, Programs Manager
Angelica is a fellow at Objective Standard Institute, an assistant editor and writer for The Objective Standard, and an Ayn Rand Fellow with Foundation for Economic Education’s Hazlitt Project. Her roles at OSI include managing the junior fellowship and LevelUp scholarship programs, course administration and development, and mentoring. She is a voracious reader of fiction in her spare time, and writes about the ideas in fictional works at fictionosophy.substack.com.

Thomas Walker-Werth
Fellow, Editor
Thomas Walker-Werth is associate editor at The Objective Standard, and a fellow at both Objective Standard Institute and Foundation for Economic Education. He is currently writing his first full-length book, Reason for Living: A Rational, Fact-Based Approach to Living Your Best Life. See more of his work at www.walker-werth.com.

Kiyah Willis

Martin Hooss
Fellow, Instructor
Martin is a fellow and instructor at Objective Standard Institute. He holds a master’s degree in English literature and classical philology from Trier University and another in philosophy, politics, and economics from CEVRO Institute. Between 2021 and 2023, Martin implemented and headed Students For Liberty’s New Frontiers of Objectivism campaign, which aims to promote Objectivism within the libertarian movement. Since 2023, Martin has been working as a philosophical advisor, teacher, and content creator for Ricardo’s Time, a Peruvian think tank which aims to promote Objectivism in Latin America.

Jackson Upmann
Director of Marketing
Jackson (@JacksonUpmann) is director of marketing at Objective Standard Institute. His responsibilities include running OSI’s social media, drafting marketing emails, and managing ads. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, weightlifting, and spending time in nature. You can join his mailing list at jacksonupmann.com.

Dylan Fritts
Design and Media Specialist
Dylan is a design and media specialist at Objective Standard Institute. His work includes producing digital media and branding for OSI’s social platforms and outreach campaigns. While he’s not on the job, he enjoys sports writing and making mead.

Maddox Locher
Director of Content Creation
Maddox Locher runs Objective Standard Institute’s blog On Solid Ground. He is a fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education and won the “Praxian of the Year” award from the college-alternative program Discover Praxis for being an active and helpful member of the Praxis community.

Justyna Piątek-Pawłowska
Social Media Manager
Justyna is a social media manager at Objective Standard Institute. She holds a BA in American Studies and is the European Regional Director of Ladies of Liberty Alliance. In her spare time, she loves to sing, trains in karate, and is a shameless cat lady.

Mariusz Karpowicz
Marketing Specialist
Mariusz is a marketing and social media specialist at Objective Standard Institute. He is in charge of marketing strategy and works on strategy and the effectiveness of social media.

Xavier Hart
Media Assistant
Xavier provides assistance in several areas at OSI, including fundraising, course hosting, social media posting, and event planning. Outside of OSI, she is an entrepreneur, massage therapist, and esthetician.