Angelica Walker-Werth

Angelica is a fellow at Objective Standard Institute, an assistant editor and writer for The Objective Standard, and an Ayn Rand Fellow with Foundation for Economic Education’s Hazlitt Project. Her roles at OSI include managing the internship and Active-Mind scholarship programs, course administration and development, and editing On Solid Ground. She writes nonfiction articles and speaks; you can see her work at She is a voracious reader of fiction in her spare time, and writes about the ideas in fictional works at
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Character Arcs and Your Personal Growth

Building self-esteem transformed Angel's life, and at LevelUp Europe, Angel will explore how character arcs fueled her personal growth—register now!

Africa Brooke on the Cult of Wokeness

Africa Brooke shares her journey of leaving the "cult of wokeness" and now helps others overcome self-censorship and challenge the status quo.

Introducing Fictionosophy

Thomas Walker-Werth interviews Angel about the purpose and vision of her Substack Fictionosophy and how literature and the ideas in it have affected her personally.