Wake Up America

In my latest YouTube video, I dive into the meaning of the term "democracy," its importance, and how it applies to the US political system.

Am I a Zionist?

Since I have come out in support of Israel in the current conflict, I have been called a "Zionist" by many people online. But what does this word really mean? Is it the belief that Jews have a supernatural divine "right" to Israel because their god told them so? Is...

Even The Guardian Understands Free-Market Competition

The Guardian typically publishes articles with a strong anti-capitalist bent, from calling for the nationalization of Greyhound coaches to claiming that capitalism is “killing the planet.” So it was a pleasant surprise to see a Guardian headline highlighting one of capitalism’s many great benefits, perhaps unintentionally.

Contra Rep. Chip Roy, Rights Don’t Come from God

In a recent debate on Second Amendment rights in the House of Representatives, Representative Chip Roy gave an impassioned defense of Americans’ right to own weapons as a means to defend themselves against potential tyranny. Unfortunately, he made a crucial mistake.

Environmentalists Show Their Disregard for Human Life

Over the past week, environmentalist “protesters” affiliated with the “Insulate Britain” movement have twice blocked the M25, Britain’s busiest motorway. The reaction from the British police has been absurd. They’ve given these rights violators multiple polite...

Ricardo Ibanez and Craig Biddle: Rational self-interest vs Religion

Rational Self-Interest vs. Religion in Latin America

I recently joined Ricardo Ibáñez on his podcast, “Ricardo’s Time” to discuss Ayn Rand’s morality of rational egoism and how it compares to religious morality. Our conversation focuses on the value of Rand’s ideas to people from Latin America who were raised in...