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Environmentalists Show Their Disregard for Human Life

Over the past week, environmentalist “protesters” affiliated with the “Insulate Britain” movement have twice blocked the M25, Britain’s busiest motorway. The reaction from the British police has been absurd. They’ve given these rights violators multiple polite...

Ricardo Ibanez and Craig Biddle: Rational self-interest vs Religion

Rational Self-Interest vs. Religion in Latin America

I recently joined Ricardo Ibáñez on his podcast, “Ricardo’s Time” to discuss Ayn Rand’s morality of rational egoism and how it compares to religious morality. Our conversation focuses on the value of Rand’s ideas to people from Latin America who were raised in...

How I Got Atlas Shrugged on The Great American Read

Happy Atlas Shrugged Day! In case you don't know, we call it that because Ayn Rand began writing her magnum opus on September 2, 1946. Also, the novel’s story starts on September 2 and pivotal events take place on that day of the year throughout the epic. This year...

OSI, PragerU, and Sales of Atlas Shrugged

During the past six months, OSI has sponsored three PragerU videos, bringing Ayn Rand’s ideas to a large audience of active-minded young people. Those videos are: A Dialogue About God and Ayn Rand (a Fireside Chat with Dennis Prager and me);Understanding Ayn Rand,...

TOS-Con 2022—in the Arctic Circle?

Here’s what attendees have said about TOS-Con 2021: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing. “This conference was a rejuvenating and intellectually stimulating experience unlike anything I've ever encountered. If you told me the next TOS-Con would be held on a...

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