Who Is Ely Lassman?

by | Mar 11, 2024 | Announcements

Two years ago, at LevelUp 2022, Ely Lassman fell in love with philosophy. He’s been studying it ever since. And it has improved his life dramatically.

Now he’s dedicated to helping others understand what he has learned.  

Everyone has a philosophy, whether he or she is aware of it or not. Everyone has a view of the world and human nature. Everyone has a view of how we know what’s true and what’s good. And the philosophy we accept—whether consciously or by default—has a profound impact on our lives.

If we understand and embrace a philosophy that corresponds to the way the world actually is, it can help us to live successfully and achieve happiness. If we accept and try to live by a philosophy that contradicts reality, it makes success and happiness impossible.

Ely discovered that studying the history of philosophy sheds vital light on these facts. It’s a fascinating story brimming with characters, ideas, problems, and solutions—all of which can help us to think better and live better.

At LevelUp 2024, he will survey some of this history and discuss how studying this subject has clarified in his mind various issues pertaining to reason and faith, egoism and altruism, individualism and collectivism, capitalism and statism. He’ll explain why and how studying this field has transformed his life—and how it can transform yours, too.

Join Ely at LevelUp 2024 for an illuminating discussion of the fundamental ideas that drive history and our personal lives—and how studying the history of these ideas can help you succeed in life and thrive.

Take advantage of early-bird pricing and save 50% (ends in 4 days, on March 15).

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