Make Friends the Ancient Way
Barter, it turns out, can be a surprisingly effective means for finding actual friends.
Barter, it turns out, can be a surprisingly effective means for finding actual friends.
Jon Hersey Feb 29, 2024
I’ve studied ADHD thoroughly, and I am now positive I have it. But, ADHD brains are not broken—they simply work differently.
Thomas Walker-Werth Feb 26, 2024
I recently dropped out of college—even though I was an excellent student. I went to the best school in my state, University of Wisconsin, Madison, where I scored a cumulative 96 percent in all my classes and was a year ahead. Why would I leave such a “good” situation?
Jackson Upmann Dec 29, 2022
“Care personally, challenge directly.” These are the basic ideas that management coach Kim Scott suggests for being what she calls “radically candid,” a method of being honest and compassionate, especially when it comes to giving feedback. Her book Radical Candor is aimed at corporate managers, but most of its advice is applicable to any relationship.
Angelica Walker-Werth Sep 8, 2022
Are you experiencing leadership challenges at work–with employees, supervisors, or peers–and seeking examples of what excellence looks like? Or maybe you’re looking for motivation or inspiration to get you through difficult moments in your life, or simply to keep pushing forward. If so, then perhaps “Jocko Podcast” is for you.
Thomas Ricucci Aug 4, 2022
When was the last time you read a book and discussed it in detail with others? Reading can be enormously valuable, giving you new ideas, perspectives, and information, but discussing what you read with others who are reading the same material can greatly enhance the rewards.
Angelica Walker-Werth Jan 19, 2022
What sets those who succeed apart from others? This was the question researcher Angela Lee Duckworth set out to answer. In each situation, she asked, “Who is successful here, and why?” One characteristic stood out above all others: grit.
Angelica Walker-Werth Dec 8, 2021
If you want to read more, you may stumble upon specific tips such as getting a Kindle or listening to audio books. These are shown to help, but they don’t tackle the essential issue. There’s a philosophical problem going on. You have to adopt a certain mindset.
Gabriel Mitchell Sep 27, 2021
How can you be more persuasive in your writing and speaking? Clarity is key, of course, and techniques such as storytelling and asking questions can also be useful. But one often-overlooked factor is the value of brevity
Angelica Walker-Werth Sep 9, 2021