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Isaac Morehouse giving the presentation "How to Create a Career that Makes You Come Alive" at TOS-Con

How TOS-Con Changed My Life

November 5, 2019: That was the day that changed everything for me. For the past three months, I had been working through my first semester of a graduate program to get a master’s in philosophy. I planned to teach philosophy at the university level. I was performing...

Road with "Good habits" painted on it

Five Steps for Building Lasting Habits/Routines

Author’s Note: Over the years, I have learned a lot from the work of Cal Newport, Mel Robbins, Alex Epstein, and Jean Moroney on the topic of building positive habits. The following includes my own integration of some of their ideas. Building life-promoting habits...

How to Make Work Something You Love

For many people, “work” is a word with unpleasant associations. Children associate it with the burden of school work, which they have to do, like it or not. Many adults associate it with a nine-to-five job, an onerous chore that they believe they must endure in...

Craig Biddle, Douglass Murray, and Gloria Alvarez

Discovering the Good: Morality, and Where It Comes From

On December 14 at 2:00 pm ET, the Ayn Rand Centre UK will host a discussion with Craig Biddle and Douglas Murray, moderated by Gloria Alvarez, on the nature and source of morality. Here’s an indication of what’s in store: A sign of a society in disarray is the...

Creative Projects

The Value of Creative Solo Projects

Producing a solo work of art that beautifies your home can leave you with a wonderful daily reminder of your abilities. I learned this after arranging photos I’d taken over my couch to create an esthetically pleasing corner of my humble abode.  A few years...

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