Four Ways to Live More Curiously
A good way to discover what you value and how to achieve it is to make an effort to live curiously. Here are a few key ways to do that.
Principles for Living Your Best Life in The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
The Midnight Library is a thought-provoking novel centered on how to live a deeply satisfying life.
How to Spot Bad Self-Help Advice
Tom explains how to spot bad self-help advice and emphasizes the need for grounded, evidence-based strategies to achieve real success.
The Hidden Greek Virtues of Hogwarts Houses
Angel explores how Hogwarts houses reflect Aristotle’s virtues, revealing timeless moral lessons in Harry Potter.
Character Arcs and Your Personal Growth
Building self-esteem transformed Angel's life, and at LevelUp Europe, Angel will explore how character arcs fueled her personal growth—register now!
Africa Brooke on the Cult of Wokeness
Africa Brooke shares her journey of leaving the "cult of wokeness" and now helps others overcome self-censorship and challenge the status quo.
Cultivating Creativity: What Musk and Franklin Knew
Creativity doesn’t just require risk-taking or industry, it requires a foundation for innovation.
Isolation vs Pursuing Passions in Where the Crawdads Sing
Where the Crawdads Sing depicts the effects of ostracization, abuse, and abandonment on a strong, intelligent girl who is determined not only to survive but to thrive.
Are We Letting Movies Put Ideas In Our Heads?
If we think more actively about the art we consume, we can both limit the how much the bad ideas in art influence us, and increase the power of the good ideas to enhance our lives.