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Ayaan Hirsi Ali Will Speak at TOS-Con 2022

I’m delighted to announce that Ayaan Hirsi Ali has joined the roster for TOS-Con 2022: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing (June 22–25 in Denver), where she will speak and participate in a panel discussion.

TOS-Con 2022—in the Arctic Circle?

Here’s what attendees have said about TOS-Con 2021: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing. “This conference was a rejuvenating and intellectually stimulating experience unlike anything I've ever encountered. If you told me the next TOS-Con would be held on a...

Integration and Flourishing

TOS-Con is just a week away and, as always, it’s been a heck of a process putting it together. But man is it together! As in: integrated. This conference will be a massive integration of fundamental philosophic principles, vital truths for understanding and...

Objective Standard Institute’s Fabulous First Year

OSI has had a highly productive first year, full of achievements and extraordinary results. I’d like to share with you some highlights and our plans for the future. (You can make a tax-deductible contribution here.) One year ago, Sarah and I, along with our amazing...

Help Us Create Even More Life-Enhancing Content

Have you checked out Objective Standard Institute’s blog Level Up? How about our podcasts? Do you have ideas for improving them? You can help us create even more life-enhancing content by sharing your thoughts and ideas in our short survey. For doing so, you’ll...