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Fostering Curiosity to Reach Your Potential

Knowledge is the compound interest of curiosity. —James Clear Curiosity is often associated with children; they love to explore, touch things, experiment, and ask, “Why?” They regard the world as a fascinating, exotic place, full of mysteries and wonders. This...

Integration and Flourishing

TOS-Con is just a week away and, as always, it’s been a heck of a process putting it together. But man is it together! As in: integrated. This conference will be a massive integration of fundamental philosophic principles, vital truths for understanding and...

Objective Standard Institute’s Fabulous First Year

OSI has had a highly productive first year, full of achievements and extraordinary results. I’d like to share with you some highlights and our plans for the future. (You can make a tax-deductible contribution here.) One year ago, Sarah and I, along with our amazing...

The Beachbody Workout that Even My Toddler Enjoys

Today, there are more fitness programs available than you could probably use in a lifetime. Although the range of content and easier access to knowledge are massive values, it can be somewhat overwhelming to sort through all the different trainers, programs, and...

How to Generate Motivation

“Ugh, I have no motivation today.” How many times have you thought, heard, or said this? Sometimes, it might seem like motivation is a mysterious force outside your control that helps you when you’re fortunate enough to have it on your side, and hinders you when...

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