Who Is Hannah Frankman?

by | Feb 28, 2024 | Announcements

Hannah Frankman has been breaking rules all her life.

It’s going well.

As a child, she asked lots of questions and loved learning. In her teens, she often challenged the status quo. When it came time for college, Hannah did what most kids don’t.

She thought about it deeply. Then opted out.

That’s one rule broken.

Hannah’s adventures in the real world began on a vegetable farm—far from the classroom, yet rich with lessons. Her experiences there obliterated the common assumption that “learning happens only in school.” What’s more, she was getting paid to learn.

Two rules down.

On the side, she began teaching high schoolers how to write—deepening her interest in education. While researching college alternatives, she discovered Praxis, a company that equips young people with skills to start their careers without going to college. 

Hannah fell in love with the company and learned all she could about its mission and team. She contacted its founder. Beaming with enthusiasm about the program, she asked questions galore. Her foot was in the door.

When Praxis next needed to hire, they knew exactly who to call. No application required.

Another rule bites the dust.

During her time at Praxis, Hannah’s love of teaching and learning grew exponentially. This laid the foundation for her current projects: rebelEducator, a company that equips parents with tools to enhance their kids’ education; and the Hannah Frankman Podcast, where she creates conversations about education, lifestyle, personal development, and freedom—all in a fiery pursuit of a life well lived.

Hannah will bring her enthusiasm, knowledge, and outlaw attitude to LevelUp 2024, where she’ll discuss The Art of Breaking Rules.

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