Jon Hersey

Jon Hersey (@revivingreason) is managing editor of The Objective Standard and holds fellowships at Foundation for Economic Education, where he writes in defense of freedom, and at Objective Standard Institute, where he teaches “How to Write Powerfully in Defense of Liberty.” He hosts the podcasts “Philosophy for Flourishing.” He’s on a mission to identify and apply the principles of human flourishing. Get his ebook on writing in defense of liberty here, and join his mailing list at
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What Is GOOD Music?

Is pop music getting worse? Two of YouTube’s most popular music critics—Rick Beato and Anthony Fantano—disagree, but neither offers any explicit standard for distinguishing good from bad music.

Led Zeppelin Almost Never Existed

There were infinite ways things could have gone wrong, countless roadblocks in the face of which Jimmy Page might understandably have given up.

Introducing OSI’s Republic of Letters

I’m excited to announce Objective Standard Institute’s brand new “Republic of Letters.” This is a meetup group for active writers who have taken (or are taking) one of OSI’s writing courses or have published an article with The Objective Standard. I will host...

Defining a Future to Fight For

Craig and I have just begun our first two (sold out!) sessions of the OSI course “How to Write Powerfully in Defense of Liberty,” and there’s a point that’s come up that I’d like to emphasize and to share with Level Up readers and contributors....

woman is a superhero in disguise

Want to Live among Heroes?

When I was a kid, my best friend and I were addicted to stories of people overcoming the impossible, and we wanted to live in a world of heroes to whatever extent we could. We would pretend we were characters from practically...