Living Well

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The Source and Value of Self-esteem

Having good self-esteem is essential to being happy with your life. How can you be happy if you don’t have a good opinion of yourself? But developing and maintaining high self-esteem isn’t easy. When I was a teenager, I allowed my self-esteem to be...

Barbell Training for Health and Happiness

Several years ago, if you had told me that working out would soon become one of my favorite activities, I may have pictured myself doing dance or sports, or taking an aerobics class. What I would never have imagined, however, was lifting and squatting with a...

How The Lean Startup Method Can Save You Time and Money

If I could summarize the main lesson of Eric Ries’s The Lean Startup in one sentence, it would be something like this: When launching a product, start small, get it to market as quickly as possible, and then use this market feedback to adjust and move forward. Ries...

For Maximum Success, “Eat That Frog”

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with a project or task that you don't even know where to start? This often leads to procrastination. But if you sit down and think about the project, writing step by step what you need to do, things become clearer. How can we make...

David Goggins’s Key to Perseverance

I now understand why former Navy Seal and ultra marathoner, David Goggins, earned the nicknames the “toughest man alive,” the “sultan of suffering,” a “connoisseur of pain,” and a “disciple of discipline.” Listening to the audiobook of his life story, Can’t Hurt...

Cassey Ho doing the splits

Build the Best Version of You with Cassey Ho

Imagine turning two things you love doing into a brand worth millions of dollars. That’s exactly what thirty-four-year-old Cassey Ho has done with designing clothes and teaching Pilates, and that’s why I admire her. She runs the YouTube channel Blogilates, which is...