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The Fountainhead Reading Group with Andrew Bernstein

Here’s an opportunity to enrich your life with a deep dive into Ayn Rand’s soul-fueling novel The Fountainhead. It’s the story of Howard Roark—an independent thinker, architect, and innovator, who refuses ever to compromise his principles—and his battle against the...

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Will Speak at TOS-Con 2022

I’m delighted to announce that Ayaan Hirsi Ali has joined the roster for TOS-Con 2022: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing (June 22–25 in Denver), where she will speak and participate in a panel discussion.

The Road to Success is Paved with Grit

What sets those who succeed apart from others? This was the question researcher Angela Lee Duckworth set out to answer. In each situation, she asked, “Who is successful here, and why?” One characteristic stood out above all others: grit.

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