Living Well

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How to Take a Stronger Stand for Your Health

Looking after your health is vitally important. Your life depends on it, and falling into ill health can affect your ability to do the things you love. But looking after your health is about much more than regular check-ups with the doctor.

Why I Dropped Out of College

I recently dropped out of college—even though I was an excellent student. I went to the best school in my state, University of Wisconsin, Madison, where I scored a cumulative 96 percent in all my classes and was a year ahead. Why would I leave such a “good” situation?

Three Uplifting Songs for Loving Life

Music can inspire us, comfort us, and cheer us up. If you want to live a life that’s bursting with joy, it helps to have upbeat songs for loving life on your playlist. To that end, I’m sharing three of my favorites that celebrate life.

Glen Miller: American Musical Icon

Glenn Miller was a revolutionary bandleader and an American patriot. He defined an era of America’s big band brilliance with beautiful melodies and irresistible energy.