Register for LevelUp 2023


High school, college, or Praxis


Young Adult*

Age 29 and under



Age 30+



Sponsors low pricing for young people


*Student, Young Adult, and Adult registration include access to all lectures, workshops, and performances. (Children younger than 13 attend free with a parent.) Tickets to the opening and closing banquets are offered separately.

**Atlas registration includes access to all lectures, workshops, and performances—as well as the opening and closing banquets. Atlases are also invited to a special dinner with Craig Biddle and other LevelUp speakers on Friday, June 23 to discuss ideas for advancing rational philosophy in the culture. If you are unable to attend the conference, you can register as a non-attending Atlas. To select this option, proceed through registration as an Atlas and enter the code JohnGalt in the “Non-Attending Atlas” field. The code will reduce the price from $2975 to $2175 and register you as a non-attending Atlas. (Please note: All Atlases, attending and non-attending, will be listed and thanked below unless anonymity is requested.)