Firebringer Scholarships

Students and young adults aged 18–29 are eligible to apply for a scholarship to attend Innovation Celebration.

Scholarships Cover:

Travel expenses and hotel accommodations (up to £100 in the UK, £400 outside the UK)

Firebringer Scholarships

Students and young adults aged 18–29 are eligible to apply for a scholarship to attend Innovation Celebration.

Scholarships Cover:

Travel expenses and hotel accommodations (up to £100 in the UK, £400 outside the UK)

Applying Is Quick and Easy

Simply answer these questions—either in writing or video:

  1. Why do you want to attend Innovation Celebration?
  2. What are your top two concerns about the state of innovation, and why?
  3. How would you solve those problems?

Written submissions should be no longer than 800 words; video submissions no longer than four minutes.

To submit your application, fill out the entire form below. If you submit a written application, please paste the link to your application as a Google document. If you submit a video application, please upload your video to Google Drive and paste a link, or upload your video to YouTube (it can be unlisted) and paste a link.

If you have questions, email them to [email protected]

Applying Is Quick and Easy

Simply answer these questions—either in writing or video:

  1. Why do you want to attend Innovation Celebration?
  2. What are your top two concerns about the state of innovation, and why?
  3. How would you solve those problems?

Written submissions should be no longer than 800 words; video submissions no longer than four minutes.

To submit your application, fill out the entire form below. If you submit a written application, please paste the link to your application as a Google document. If you submit a video application, please upload your video to Google Drive and paste a link, or upload your video to YouTube (it can be unlisted) and paste a link.

If you have questions, email them to [email protected]

Scholarship Applications are Closed.