Thomas Walker-Werth

Thomas Walker-Werth is associate editor at The Objective Standard, and a fellow at both Objective Standard Institute and Foundation for Economic Education. He is currently writing his first full-length book, Reason for Living: A Rational, Fact-Based Approach to Living Your Best Life. See more of his work at
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The Problem with Mindfulness

Many popular figures tout mindfulness as a way to improve your happiness, calm your mind, and reach a state of focus. But is it really the best way to achieve those goals?

Dealing with Others’ Irrationality

I have made a list of a few practices that have helped me deal with irrational people and reduce how much their irrationality affects my ability to enjoy my life.

When the Grass Is Always Greener

As the old saying goes, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Many of us long for another place, another job, or another relationship, but if we actually made the change, we’d miss what we were giving up and long to change things back. How...