Gabriel Mitchell

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How to Pitch Your Way into a Job

How can you land a great job without jumping through the normal hoops, sending out loads of resumes and cover letters?

Woman reading in front of a lake

How to Read More

If you want to read more, you may stumble upon specific tips such as getting a Kindle or listening to audio books. These are shown to help, but they don’t tackle the essential issue. There’s a philosophical problem going on. You have to adopt a certain mindset.

How The Lean Startup Method Can Save You Time and Money

If I could summarize the main lesson of Eric Ries’s The Lean Startup in one sentence, it would be something like this: When launching a product, start small, get it to market as quickly as possible, and then use this market feedback to adjust and move forward. Ries...

Sales Mastermind Lessons for Non-Sales People

I’m not a professional salesperson, but I recently learned some sales lessons that can be helpful even for non-sales people. I needed help on a pitch email for a prospective freelance client, so I reached out to my friend Nick Rundlett who hosts a “sales mastermind...