Angelica Walker-Werth

Angelica is a fellow at Objective Standard Institute, an assistant editor and writer for The Objective Standard, and an Ayn Rand Fellow with Foundation for Economic Education’s Hazlitt Project. Her roles at OSI include managing the internship and Active-Mind scholarship programs, course administration and development, and editing On Solid Ground. She writes nonfiction articles and speaks; you can see her work at She is a voracious reader of fiction in her spare time, and writes about the ideas in fictional works at
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Three Uplifting Songs for Loving Life

Music can inspire us, comfort us, and cheer us up. If you want to live a life that’s bursting with joy, it helps to have upbeat songs for loving life on your playlist. To that end, I’m sharing three of my favorites that celebrate life.

Improve Relationships, Teams, and Communication with Radical Candor

“Care personally, challenge directly.” These are the basic ideas that management coach Kim Scott suggests for being what she calls “radically candid,” a method of being honest and compassionate, especially when it comes to giving feedback. Her book Radical Candor is aimed at corporate managers, but most of its advice is applicable to any relationship.

Ella Enchanted: A Fun Celebration of Freedom

Imagine a Cinderella story that’s about something deeper than just a girl being swept off to become a princess. Ella Enchanted, a 2004 film starring Anne Hathaway, is exactly that: a fun film set in a medieval-style kingdom with fairies and elves that demonstrates the importance of freedom.

Objective Standard Institute in Prague

Last week in Prague, two phenomenal events demonstrated the synergy OSI is fostering and the value our partner organizations are creating.

Five Benefits of Reading Groups

When was the last time you read a book and discussed it in detail with others? Reading can be enormously valuable, giving you new ideas, perspectives, and information, but discussing what you read with others who are reading the same material can greatly enhance the rewards.

The Road to Success is Paved with Grit

What sets those who succeed apart from others? This was the question researcher Angela Lee Duckworth set out to answer. In each situation, she asked, “Who is successful here, and why?” One characteristic stood out above all others: grit.

Join OSI and Other Lovers of Liberty at SFL’s Freer Future Fest

Want to network and have fun with lovers of liberty? Join us for Freer Future Fest, in Nashville, TN on October 9, hosted by our friends at Students For Liberty. Speakers include Craig Biddle, Gloria Alvarez, Terry Kibbe, Matt Kibbe, Hannah Cox, Bryan Caplan, Alex...

The Counterintuitive Way to Improve Your Communication

How can you be more persuasive in your writing and speaking? Clarity is key, of course, and techniques such as storytelling and asking questions can also be useful. But one often-overlooked factor is the value of brevity

Fostering Curiosity to Reach Your Potential

Knowledge is the compound interest of curiosity. —James Clear Curiosity is often associated with children; they love to explore, touch things, experiment, and ask, “Why?” They regard the world as a fascinating, exotic place, full of mysteries and wonders. This...