Kiyah Willis’ “There Isn’t a Genocide in Gaza” Video Published

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Announcements

Today, Kiyah Willis published another video about Israel, this time addressing the claim that Israel is committing genocide. She goes into what genocide actually means, and whether that matches Israel’s military strategy. Watch it here. And, if you haven’t already, subscribe and hit the notification bell

Since publishing her last few videos, Kiyah’s channel has grown tremendously. She now sits at more than 2,800 subscribers. This growth, in part, is due to her large X presence. If you enjoy her YouTube content, you’ll probably enjoy her forthright and facts-orientated X as well.

There’s not many young, well-reasoned voices like Kiyah’s out there (especially in politics), but we’re glad that she’s one of the many that are to come.

On Solid Ground is a community blog where we publish articles by guest contributors as well as by the staff and officers of OSI. The ideas offered by guest contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the ideas of the staff or officers of OSI. Likewise, the ideas offered by people employed by OSI are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of others in the organization.

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