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Sharing Rational Values through Great TV 

Sharing Rational Values through Great TV 

Watching your favorite TV show with your significant other (or a close friend) can be hugely fulfilling—if he or she gets what you love about it. And, if you admire the show because it embodies principles you hold dear, sharing it with your other half can also be a...


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Fahrenheit 451 Provides Inspiration to Create

Fahrenheit 451 Provides Inspiration to Create

You’ve probably heard of the phoenix—a mythical creature that bursts into flames when it dies and is reborn from the ashes. At the end of Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novella Fahrenheit 451, the main character must go through his own rebirth from the ashes. In the story,...

A Simple Process to Prevent Work Overload

A Simple Process to Prevent Work Overload

Sometimes, when we start a new venture, we can overwhelm ourselves with our own high expectations. For instance, a week or two before I started working for Objective Standard Institute, I wrote a long list of things I’d like to achieve in my new job. During my first...

Sharing Rational Values through Great TV 

Sharing Rational Values through Great TV 

Watching your favorite TV show with your significant other (or a close friend) can be hugely fulfilling—if he or she gets what you love about it. And, if you admire the show because it embodies principles you hold dear, sharing it with your other half can also be a...

How Not to Choose Your Career

How Not to Choose Your Career

Have you ever struggled to choose which career to pursue after finishing high school? If so, you are not alone. Although some people develop a burning passion for one career path when they are very young, most of us don’t know what we want to do with our lives so...

The Motivating Power of Positive Values

The Motivating Power of Positive Values

Have you ever set a goal—then struggled to find the motivation to achieve it? Perhaps the goal wasn’t a good fit for you; maybe it conflicted with your other values, wasn’t life-serving, or didn’t make good use of your skills and interests. But sometimes the goal is...