Lodging Scholarships

Students and young adults aged 18–29 are eligible for a scholarship covering the full cost of their hotel accommodations for LevelUp Europe.

Are you a student from Sofia and don’t need accommodation? Apply for the scholarship to cover your registration ticket.

Less than 80 scholarships are available—and they’re going fast! Apply now.

What Past Scholarship Winners Say

“This conference changed how I think about the world. It will go down as one of my life-changing experiences.” —Lauren

“Every talk was intellectually exhilarating. I met amazing people, made great memories, and am leaving inspired and energized.” —Julian

“Ten minutes into Friday morning’s talk, I knew I was in for something amazing. All the speakers spoke at a level that was challenging yet approachable and understandable. It was delightful!” —Leisa

“I wasn’t a big believer in the power of poetry or movies, but after today’s talk, I was blown away. I realized that consuming art wasn’t a waste of time, but fuel to work more productively.” —Chetan

“The integration of the presentations was fantastic! They all had a common thread. The very actionable lectures on taking ownership of your career and finances were extremely valuable to me.” —Celeste

“I loved seeing speakers walking around. It’s like brushing shoulders with your heroes.” —Dominick

“Last year’s event was one of the best experiences of my life. This year was even better.” —Everaldo

“I have no words to describe how amazing the conference was! I’ve returned to Brazil bright-eyed to live the best life I can.” —Julia

“I just lived one of the best days of my life.” —Matheus

“Before this conference, I was depressed and lost. Now, I’m motivated to change my life.” —Olivia

“I’ve made friends that will last a lifetime.” —Thomas

“That was the most badass conference of the year.” —Sebastian

“It was worthwhile three times over.” —Seamus

Applying Is Quick and Easy

Simply answer these questions in English—either in writing or in a video*

    1. How did you hear about LevelUp?
    2. What do you hope to gain from the conference?
    3. What personal or social issues concern you most, and why?
    4. Who is one of your heroes (real-life or fictional), and why?
    5. If you’ve attended LevelUp in the past, how have you applied ideas you learned at the conference? (If you’ve never attended LevelUp, please skip this question.)

Written submissions should be no longer than 800 words; video submissions no longer than four minutes.

To submit your application, please fill out the form below. For a written application, write it as a Google document, and paste its link with the settings set to viewable by all with a link. For a video application, upload your video to Google Drive or YouTube (it can be unlisted) and paste its link.

If your application is selected, then you’ll receive an email about winning a scholarship. If we’re unsure about your application, we’ll reach out to you and set up a video interview.

All scholarship recipients are required to complete an exit interview at the end of the conference or fill out the end-of-conference survey.

If you have questions, email them to [email protected]

*Applications submitted with the use of ChatGPT or any other form of artificial intelligence or machine learning will be disqualified, and you will be banned from attending LevelUp Europe 2025 and all future OSI conferences.

LevelUp Europe Scholarship Application

Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions

Can I register for the conference as a student (i.e., at the student rate)?

If you’re in any kind of formal education program (including Discover Praxis, post-graduate programs, or hands-on training programs), then yes.

Will you be meeting us at the airport or providing airport transfers?

No. Each individual is responsible for getting him- or herself from the airport to the hotel. However, we will send out an email shortly before the conference with information about the public transportation in the area. Further, if you wish to share Bolt with another attendee, you can use the WhatsApp group to see who will be arriving around the same time. Hotel Expo Sofia is located near the airport and the bus ride is around 10 minutes.

When should I arrive?

You should arrive at the hotel between 2–6 pm on April 11th to get checked in with us and settled into your hotel room before the opening talk. Hotel check-in begins at 2 pm, but they may have rooms available earlier. They also have luggage storage if you arrive earlier and want to explore the area. If it is absolutely impossible to arrive before the opening talk, or if you were scheduled to but there is a delay, don’t worry; simply drop by our check-in desk the next morning before talks begin to check in and pick up your name tag and swag.

Which airport should I fly to?

Sofia International Airport is by far the closest.

Where will I be staying?

The conference will take place at the Expo Sofia Hotel, 7-Mi Kilometar, Boulevard “Tsarigradsko shose” булевард “Цариградско шосе, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria; scholarship recipients will have rooms booked there.

Are meals included?

Breakfast is included as part of your hotel accommodation. The Saturday banquet dinner is also included in the scholarship.

What should I wear/pack?

Regarding attire, business casual is ideal for the talks, but cocktail attire is recommended for the banquet.

I need a visa to enter Bulgaria. Can you help me acquire one?

Scholarship recipients are responsible for getting their visas and paying their visa fees. However, we can provide a letter you can submit to the embassy/consulate in your country explaining the purpose of the conference and the terms of your scholarship.

My friend/romantic partner is going to the conference too. Can we room together?

Absolutely! If your friend or partner is also a scholarship recipient, please let us know before March 10, and we will arrange for you two to share a room. If he or she is not, then you two will need to book your room separately and submit a receipt, and we will reimburse you for your half of the room with your travel expenses.

Early-Bird Savings End February 14






