Sarah Biddle

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Objective Standard Institute’s Terrific 2022

Objective Standard Institute (OSI) has had a wonderfully productive year teaching the rising generation about the importance of philosophy, principles of Objectivism, and related ideas for living fully and advancing liberty.

Freak out with Tom Papa image

Freak Out with Tom Papa

Are you ready for intelligent, benevolent comedy? Let me introduce you to Freaked Out with Tom Papa. So much comedy is cynical or mean spirited or just not funny. This one-hour routine from 2013 is a beautiful exception.  Tom Papa: Freaked Out appeals to the...

Freddie Mercury’s Smiling in Heaven

The sight of an achievement [is] the greatest gift that a human being could offer to others. —Ayn Rand. This week for Soul-Fuel Friday, I’d like to share three powerful performances by Angelina Jordan. This thirteen-year-old Norwegian singer recently...

Gardens Simultaneously Calm and Reinvigorate

With COVID lockdowns lifting throughout the country, I encourage those who are safely able to do so to seek solace in the great outdoors. Whether hiking in the mountains or lounging on the beach, the peaceful surroundings of nature can be powerful places for...

World of Dance Delivers a World of Joy

The sight of an achievement [is] the greatest gift that a human being could offer to others. —Ayn Rand. Season 4 of World of Dance has begun, and I recommend it highly. I’ve been watching this show since its...

two kids ice skating

Evelina Pokrasneteva and Ilya Makarov Might Make Your Day

The sight of an achievement [is] the greatest gift that a human being could offer to others. —Ayn Rand. Each Friday, I’ll be posting videos, book or movie recommendations, recommendations of artworks, or other goodies...

Craig and Sarah Biddle

Why We Created OSI

Many people live unhappy lives because they accept philosophic ideas that undermine personal happiness, such as “Being moral consists in selflessly serving others.” Likewise, many advocate and live under statist or tyrannical regimes because they accept ideas that...