Aaron Briley

Aaron is a fellow and research associate at Objective Standard Institute. He focuses on advocating and fostering individualism, independent thinking, and rational self-interest among inner-city minority youths. Aaron holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of California, Irvine. In his spare time, he likes to travel, cycle, and follow Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
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Event Horizons

For years, I thought momento mori (“remember death”), a common precept in Stoic philosophy, was a cynical expression. Remembering death seemed opposed to embracing life. Why focus on the end of a process I love so much? Naively, I thought this was similar to other...

David Goggins’s Key to Perseverance

I now understand why former Navy Seal and ultra marathoner, David Goggins, earned the nicknames the “toughest man alive,” the “sultan of suffering,” a “connoisseur of pain,” and a “disciple of discipline.” Listening to the audiobook of his life story, Can’t Hurt...

Cracking the Code on Team Performance

Daniel Coyle, in The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups, presents a compelling case for why some teams are more successful than others. His one-word answer is “culture,” which he defines as “the way that people interact within an organized...

Taleeb Starkes on ‘The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans’

Taleeb Starkes, having grown up in a public housing project in Philadelphia, has unique insights into the problems plaguing black, inner-city communities. These insights, combined with a desire to share his message, led him to pen a #1 Amazon bestseller, Black Lies...

Ryan Holiday Lessons of Stoicism

Ryan Holiday and the Timeless Lessons of Stoicism

The Stoic philosophers, including the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius and the slave-turned-philosopher Epictetus, lived some 2,000 years ago and didn’t have the benefit of more recent schools of philosophy, such as Ayn Rand’s Objectivism. Among other things, they...

Ira Glass headshot

Ira Glass on Closing the Ideal-Actual Gap in the Creative Process

Several years ago, while procrastinating in graduate school, I discovered a short video clip that helped me at the time—and has now helped me again.  The clip, posted below, is of Ira Glass, the award-winning producer of the radio show, This American Life,...

Like an Arrow Shot From a Bow: Poems about the Power of Words

A collection of poetry that has helped me positively develop as a person is The Best Loved Poems of the American People, selected by Hazel Felleman.  I found my copy on the free books’ counter at my local library more than a decade ago. Since then, it’s provided...

How to Achieve Ambitious Goals: Observations from Stephen Duneier

Here is an opportunity to look into the mind of a super-achiever. Hedge-fund manager, artist, world-record holder (and much more) Stephen Duneier explains, in his TED Talk titled, “How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals,” how he went from being a subpar student...